Encuesta Criteria: rechazo a Presidente Piñera alcanza niveles históricos

Chilean president Sebastian Pinera speaks during a press conference at La Moneda Presidential Palace in Santiago on August 04, 2019. Chile's President Sebastian Pinera rejected on Wednesday the allusion made by his Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro over UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet's father. The leftist former Chile president was "following Macron's line," Bolsonaro tweeted, later taunting Bachelet by praising Augusto Pinochet's 1970s dictatorship in Chile, under which both she and her father were tortured. / AFP / JAVIER TORRES
Chilean president Sebastian Pinera speaks during a press conference at La Moneda Presidential Palace in Santiago on August 04, 2019. Chile's President Sebastian Pinera rejected on Wednesday the allusion made by his Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro over UN rights chief Michelle Bachelet's father. The leftist former Chile president was "following Macron's line," Bolsonaro tweeted, later taunting Bachelet by praising Augusto Pinochet's 1970s dictatorship in Chile, under which both she and her father were tortured. / AFP / JAVIER TORRES

La aprobación del Mandatario retrocedió cuatro puntos porcentuales en el marco del estallido social.

El rechazo a la gestión del Presidente Sebastián Piñera alcanzó el 84 por ciento, mientras que su aprobación volvió a tocar fondo con apenas un 12 por ciento.

De acuerdo a la encuesta Criteria de noviembre, la aprobación del Mandatario retrocedió cuatro puntos porcentuales en el marco del estallido social.

De este modo, "se convierten en los peores indicadores que se han registrado desde que se realiza la encuesta Agenda Ciudadana Criteria".

Encuesta Criteria

Criteria realizó su encuesta entre el 19 y 26 de noviembre a través de un panel online a un universo de 1.014 casos entre mujeres y hombres mayores de 18 años residentes de todo Chile.